Beautiful performance, emotional roller-coaster and a great venue

Árstíðir – Colos-Saal, Aschaffenburg; September 25th, 2014

I haven’t been to the Colos-Saal in Aschaffeburg that often, but every time I am amazed once again at how good the sound and the lights at that venue are. The people working there really know their stuff! Thus, Árstíðir sounded amazing on each and every song that night. I was so in awe and so emotionally overwhelmed by the power of the music that I almost forget taking pictures. Yet, the lighting was so great that I just had to. It was a perfect concert for a perfect day. 🙂

Since the route to Aschaffenburg was so short I had not purchased a train ticket in advance and hitched a ride with A. and K. However, before we left they had an interview schedules with the guys just after lunch. As they were talking outside the café I sat inside, editing pictures and having lunch. They had been extremely nervous beforehand, but all went well and the guys helped them through. <3 Happily they returned to me and soon we were on our way. It took us a bit over an hour to get there, being slowed down by a traffic jam just before we arrived. Yet there was more than enough time to check into my hotel, eat a bite and even take a walk around the city. K. and A. arrived at the venue almost at the same time I had and asked jokingly if I was stalking them. Why of course! 😉

Soon we learned that the guys had not been so lucky regarding traffic jams. They arrived at the time the doors were supposed to open. Later I learned from Linda that the 70 km ride had taken them over three hours. Either way, they were here and we were ready for them. Quite a crowd had gathered by the entrance, waiting patiently for the doors to open. A girl came up to me, guessing who had drawn which feather on my T-Shirt. He got two right. \O/ Once they opened, I immediately set out for the table in front row center and secured the place for us – perfect!

We got drinks and were still busy chatting excitedly when the lights went down. As soon as I saw the lights go on and heard the first few notes I knew it was going to be a great night. Everything was bright enough to take good pictures and everything sounded beautiful. For the first two or three songs the guys seemed a little distracted, but soon all of that was gone and they were so into the songs watching them was pure joy. It became clear already during the first set that the emotions created by the songs were going to be hard to bear. I did not want to move from my seat and only did so twice to get a different perspective. All the songs were incredibly beautiful, every note sung or played fit – I could name each and every song as a highlight.

For ‘Ages’ Karl announced that the song was older than he, explaining it existed long before he joined the band, “before some of you were even born”. For ‘Næturylur’ Daníel had to upstage him, explaining the song existed since before Karl was born. 😀 The set ended with an absolutely stunning rendition of ‘Shades’, leaving the room in sudden silence before the applause set in. We all looked at each other smiling. Everything was beautiful!

The second set was even more emotional than the first, containing mostly new songs. It was such a rollercoaster that I remember having to take a deep breath several times, especially after ‘Shine’. There were so many times I was close to tears and could do nothing but marvel at all the beauty presented to me. They did not talk so much overall and let the music speak. It was a good choice for the location. Towards the end, Daníel introduced the band, something they rarely do. When the set ended, I felt emotionally drained, but did not want them to go. Everyone else in the room seemed to feel the same way and cheered loudly.

The guys came back out for ‘Ljoð í sand’, immediately putting the audience under their spell again. People were watching in awe, hanging on to their every word. This song always gets people. ‘Kill us’ once again made the perfect last song of the set, first creating, then releasing tension with a bang. The last sounds still seemed to be hanging in the air when they walked off stage and the audience was yelling for more. My face seemed too small for the huge smile I was wearing. Yes! This was how it should be!

One last time they came back and walked directly into the room to sing ‘Because’ among the audience. Before they had a chance to start the guys were interrupted by a guy of the venue staff collecting bottles – it got a lot of laughs that the ongoing concert was not distracting him from his job. 😀 Someone from the audience got stuck halfway in the band’s circle and tried hard to appear unfazed by it. Needless to say the song was beautiful, ending the concert on a high note.

I wanted to hug everyone, but hardly got a chance to. There were many other people demanding their attention and some of the guys didn’t even get a chance to have dinner before the show. However, I hugged those who were available, thanked them, chatted for a bit and was eventually kicked out together with A. and K. For us, the night ended with drinks after a long search for a bar. It was lovely, thank you for the company. 🙂

Setlist (was something like this)

You just have to know of me
Orð að eigin vali
Days & Nights
Lost in you

Someone who cares
The Cannon
You again
Nú gleymist ég

Ljoð í sand
Kill us

pictures of this concert

Árstíðir Germany Tour 2014: 6 concerts down, 4 to go. Next stop: Ilmenau

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