The first time I met Ragnar Ólafsson was in September 2012 when I saw him perform with Árstíðir. Back then I was working for an online magazine and had contacted the band before the gig about a photo pass. He was the one who replied. At that first meeting I uttered my famous last words “I cannot follow another band, I already follow too many”. I knew then I was lying, that of course I would follow them, but I would not have thought that we’d become friends somewhere along the way.
Eventually I learned that Árstíðir is not the only band he plays in, just one of many. I’ve since listened to Ask the Slave, Lightspeed Legend, Sign, Momentum, In Siren, different Turns and a few other projects he was involved in and was always amazed by the sheer variety of music. When he started recording his first solo album in 2016 I had the great pleasure of hearing some of the songs in advance and when the songs were performed live for the first time, I was there too. Needless to say I have not missed a tour since. In 2020 he started a Patreon and it’s a lovely community to be part of.
More information:
The Concerts
124 gigs with his solo material in 66 cities and 8 countries, plus six other concerts (not listed: 1 show with Pain of Salvation and 10 with Sólstafir)
- Siglufjöður, Kirkja, April 19th (with Marina Ósk)
- Akureyri, Græni Hatturinn, April 18th (with Marina Ósk)
- Spalt, house show, October 22nd
- Zwickau, Projekt 46, October 21st
- Wechselburg, Basilika, October 21st
- Limbach-Oberfrohna, Kulturkeller, October 20th
- Rzeszów, Kino za rogiem, April 27th
- Kraków, Cafe Szafe, April 26th
- Opacz (Warsaw), house show, April 23rd
- Opacz (Warsaw), Patreon gig, April 23rd
- Łódź, Pan Tu Nie Stał, April 22nd
- Warsaw, Klub Stodoła, January 30th
- Mianowice, house gig, January 28th
- Reykjavík, Gaukurinn, October 13th
- Zwickau, Kunstplabtage, August 3rd
- Limbach-Oberfrohna, Kulturkeller, August 2nd
- Spalt, house show, August 1st
- Dortmund, my place, July 30th
- Vögelsen, house show, July 27th
- Berlin, Batuga, July 26th
- Łódź; Klubopiwiarnia, July 23rd
- Tuczno, LoveLas, July 16th
- Łódź, Herba Cafe Sklep, June 21st
- Sopot, Songwriter Festival, June 20th
- Ełk, house show, June 19th
- Ełk, rooftop, June 19th
- Siemiatycze, Przystań Wschód, June 18th
- Warsaw, house show, June 3rd
- Reykjavik, private house show, April 24th
- Wrocław, house show, October 31st
- Czernica, house show, October 30th
- Poznań, Meskalina, October 29th
- Reykjavik, Gaukurinn, October 16th (with Ask the Slave)
- Nowa Dęba, Samorządowy Ośrodek Kultury, August 28th
- Gliwice, Chechownia , August 27th
- Krakow, Cafe Szafe, August 26th
- Rzeszów, house gig, August 25th
- Żóltańce, house gig, August 24th
- Warsaw, Karot, August 23rd
- Więcbork, Scena Letnia, August 22nd
- Żary, Dom Kultury, August 21st
- Dłutówek, Chata M, August 20th
- Łódź , house gig, August 19th
- Mianowice, house gig, August 18th
- Kruszwica, house gig, August 17th
- Obrzycko, house gig, August 16th
- Kostrzyn Nad Odrą, Sala Widowiskowa Kręgielnia, August 15th
- Kostrzyn Nad Odrą, Sala Widowiskowa Kręgielnia – backstage, August 15th
- Ostrzeszów, Kawiarnia Alchemik, August 14th
- Pleszew, Zajezdnia Kultury, August 13th
- Poznań, Meskalina, August 12th
- Jarocin, House gig, August 11th
- Wilczyce House gig, August 10th
- Reykjavik, private house gig, April 25th
- Reykjavik, Studio E7, April 11th
- Poznań, Meskalina, September 8th
- Poznań, Meskalina, September 7th
- Wrocław, Stary Klasztor, September 6th
- Chorzów, MDK Batory, September 5th
- Krakow, Theatr Barakah, September 4th
- Łódź, Wooltura, September 3rd
- Warsaw, Karrot, September 2nd
- Warsaw, Karrot, September 1st
- Reykjavík, Café Rósenberg, August 14th
- Blazkowa, house concert, February 29th
- Walbrzych, Pod Pretekstem. February 28th
- Vrchlabí, KD Streinice, February 27th
- Wroclaw, house concert, February 26th
- Poznan, Longplay, February 25th
- Puszczykowko, house concert, February 24th
- Bielsko-Biala, Galeria Wzgórze, February 23rd
- Orzesze, house concert, February 22nd
- Krakow, Teatr Barakah, February 21st
- Gdynia, Degu Stacja, February 15th
- Reykjavik, Dillon, November 7th (with In Siren)
- Hamburg, Mobile Blues Club, October 10th (joint gig with Isabelle Saadat)
- Stuttgart, Café galao, October 8th (joint gig with Isabelle Saadat)
- Krefeld, living room concert, October 6th (joint gig with Isabelle Saadat)
- Dortmund, my living room, October 2nd (joint gig with Isabelle Saadat)
- Kraków, Cafe Szafe, September 23rd
- Kraków, Cafe Szafe, September 22nd
- Mikołów, Herbateca; September 21st
- Wałbrzych, A Propos; September 20th
- Poznan, Meskalina, September 14th
- Warsaw, La Boheme, September 10th
- Hafnarfjörður, Gamli Enski, August 9th (with Sign)
- Szczecin, Centrum Kultury Euroregionu Stara Rzeźnia, May 17th
- Gdynia, Blues Club, November 19th
- Elbląg, Mjazzga, November 18th
- Reykjavik, Gaukurinn, November 10th (with different Turns)
- Łódź, TU, May 18th
- Wrocław, PUBlicscy, May 15th
- Reykjavik, Dillon, April 26th
- Moscow, Scandinavia Club, April 8th
- Saint Petersburg, The Place, April 7th
- Warsaw, Scena Fugazi, March 5th
- Puszczykowo, Lupa, March 4th
- Gryfino, Festiwal Włóczykij, March 3rd
- Wrocław, Klub Firlej, March 2nd
- Oborniki Śląskie, Salonik 4 Muz, March 1st
- Košice, Tabačka Kulturfabrik, February 24th
- Prešov, Christiania, February 23rd
- Torshavn, Sirkus Føroyar, February 8th
- Poznań, Meskalina, October 29th
- Kościan, Szklarnia, October 28th
- Warsaw, La Boheme, October 24th
- Brighton, the Brunswick, October 4th
- London, The George Tavern, October 3rd
- Reykjavík, Café Rosenberg, September 26th
- Warsaw, La Boheme, June 12th
- Radzyn Podlaski, Kofi & Ti, June 11th
- Kazimierez Dolny,Trzeci Księżyc, June 10th
- Przybysławice, Dwór na Wichrowym Wzgórzu, June 9th
- Krakow, house concert, June 8th
- Krakow, house concert, June 7th
- Oświęcim, Cafe Bergson, June 6th
- Cieszyn, house concert, June 5th
- Myslovice, Kalosz, June 4th
- Dłutówek, Chata M, June 3rd
- Zabrze, Kopalnia Guido, June 2nd
- Konin, CkiS, June 1st
- Poznań, Meskalina, May 31st
- Łódź, house concert, May 30th
- Reykjavík, Gaukurinn, February 10th (Faith No More Tribute)
- Gütersloh, Musikgalerie, January 18th (with Ragnar Zolberg)
- Reykjavik, Bío Paradís (Iceland Airwaves), November 3rd
- Reykjavik, Quest (Iceland Airwaves), November 2nd
- Reykjavík, SoFaR, September 24th