But if I was fearless… could I be your reckless friend

Cyndi Lauper – Uber Arena,  Berlin; February 25th, 2025 and PSD Bank Dome, Düsseldorf; February 26th, 2025

Last year I read that Cyndi Lauper was doing a farewell tour and I though “it’s now or never!” so I bought tickets for both of her German shows. I was going to sell one ticket, but endet up seeing both concerts instead and I have no regrets.  It was wonderful.

On day one, in Berlin, I had a general admission ticket and got there about an hour before the doors opened. To my surprise that was enough to get to front row at the B stage. wow, what a perfect spot that was. I had nice people around me and a great view of the stage. Passed the waiting time chatting and was curious about the support act, Tracy Young. Sadly, she was rather disappointing,  a dj, playing electronic music way too loud. I was happy I had earplugs and a book to read. After 45 minutes it was finally over and the stage was set for Cyndi.

About 10 past 9, we heard Blondie’s ‘One Way or another’ from tape and the band walked on stage in front of a colorful screen. Cyndi followed them and started the show with ‘She Bop’, while a huge cloud of confetti rained down on us. People were singing along immediately and I felt a smile spread across my face. This was great already. She greeted us and continued with Prince’s ‘when you were mine’. I loved everything about it from the music to the outfits to the background on the screens. The band was fantastic and Cyndi made very song her own.

At the end, she had disappeared backstage and came back with a wide white outfit that was used as a projection screen during the next song, ‘I drove all night’. This was my favorite so far. She told us the song had been written for Roy Orbison, but he didn’t like it and she felt it was very empowering, because she had never before heard a song about women driving, so she kept it. We learned that after that her relationship fell apart and thus her management was gone, and the new record company people did not like her outfits. Then she spoke about not knowing what to do with herself anymore and that often we feel how our life is just one big sorry, but it has chapters and that we have o write our own. Hell yes! The beautiful ‘Who let in the rain’ followed. 🙂

She left stage again, while e got to hear some amazing percussion, then came back in a red outfit, yellow wig and proceeded to put on a something like a washboard. Before she played it, she introduced the band though. 🙂 Then we got a brilliant version of ‘Iko Iko’ with a fun sing along. She took off washboard and the yellow fringes on her sleeves for s quick costume change, while telling us about first coming to Germany in 1980 as support for Joe Jackson. We learned about her love for rockabilly and she covered Wanda Jackson’s ‘Funnel of Love – it was so much fun!

Cyndi told us how she loves performance art and always wanted to play a big show like this, talking about the designers of her outfits and her conversation with Cristiano Serrano, about needing an outfit to move in to which he replied “the gays want glamour”. An assistant brought another outfit and she changed on stage, even taking off the wig, asking if that was glamorous enough for us. She spoke about the street she grew up in and the people living around her, like Sally, who had pigeons on the roof. She then played ‘Sally’s pigeons’ followed by a beautiful a cappella version of ‘Fearless’.

It was time for another costume change and meanwhile we got a video interlude, showing Cyndi being helped into new cloths and getting her make-up freshened up, all the while talking and telling us she wanted to do something special on the tour. She also spoke about her cousin and how they stole a fish from a bowl at a hotel and it died on them. 😀

Somewhere around this time, the crew was preparing the B stage and getting rid of confetti on the floor. ‘Sisters of Avalon’ rocked the house and afterwards she told us to put our pone lights on, she wanted to show us something. When they were all on, she asked us to look around and it was beautiful. The next song was ‘Time after time’ – it was perfect. :’)  The main set ended with the fantastic ‘Money changes everything’, rocking the house again, before Cyndi said goodbye and they all walked off.

They came back in black and white outfits, playing ‘Shine’ and Cyndi walked towards us, gave some high fives and ended the song on te B-stage, right in front of me. There was a wooden box on this stage from where she go a huge piece of rainbow fabric. Now I understood all the fans on e floor. She held it up high, letting it flow in the wind and sang a gorgeous version of ‘True colors’. She left the B stage, high-fiving ,more people on the was.

Back on the main stage, Cyndi spoke about the artist Peaches and how, for years, others had stolen her ideas and made money until she finally became successful and how it was to work with her. The show ended with ‘Girls just wanna have fun’ and it could not have been any better.

I went back to the train station smiling and took the night train home. Luckily the second show in Düsseldorf was much closer to home and I had a seat. Thus, I even had some time to relax after work, before I left, having already decided that I didn’t need to see Tracy Young again.

For night two I arrived after Tracy young had started and did’t go to my seat until she was done. I had a great side view this time and while the setlist was the same, the energy was different and Cyndi elaborated on some other stories a bit. I love dit very much, she came across totally badass. Before the show there was advertisement for the “girls just wanna have fundamental rights” – Fund, a charity she founded to “Advance fundamental rights and health for all women and girls.” Yes, queen!

I had a brilliant time and felt it went by way to quickly. It made me very happy to get to enjoy the show a second time. what a treat that was.


Tape: One Way or Another (Blondie song)
She Bop
When You Were Mine (Prince cover)
I Drove All Night
Who Let in the Rain
Iko Iko (Sugar Boy and His Cane Cutters cover)
Funnel of Love (Wanda Jackson cover)
Sally’s Pigeons
Fearless (A cappella)
Video interlude
Sisters of Avalon
Time After Time
Money Changes Everything (The Brains cover)

True Colors
Girls Just Want to Have Fun (with Peaches)

Living room atmosphere, new Christmas song on the setlist and dreams coming true

Árstíðir – NUN, Karlsruhe; December 23th, 2024

Árstíðir’s concert in Karlsruhe took place at a lovely small club that made me feel as if they were playing in my living room. There were seats / standing places all around the stage. It was a really special atmosphere and the band had just as much fun as the audience did.

After spending a night in my own bed, I left Dortmund in the morning and made it to Karlsruhe with only minor delays. The weather was beautiful so I didn’t mind too much that Google maps sent me off in the completely wrong direction at first and it took me extra long to get to me hotel. After checking in, I grabbed some nice food and then caught up on a bit of sleep. Feeling refreshed, I got ready for the concert and walked to the venue, where I arrived shortly before 6. Jean-Samuel ad Daníel were outside for a smoke, so we chatted a little bit, before they went back inside. Soon after, G. arrived and while we chatted, we were joined by a few other early birds. It was quite cold, but I had tea and my peysa, so it was all good.

The waiting was over surprisingly soon and we got some nice seats at the front.  There were seats behind the stage too and we wondered if that was “backstage” until a regular guest of NUN told us that those were seats for the audience as well – how cool. G. asked the doorman , how many people fit in the club and he said 100. It seemed impossible, yet more and more people arrived and they all found a seat or a standing place somewhere around the stage. It really felt like a living room, I loved it.

At 8, someone from the venue stepped on stage and greeted us all. She told us that everyone working there, did so for free and that this as their last concert of the year. It was a dream come true for some of the team to have Árstíðir at their venue. 🙂 We greeted them loudly as they walked through the audience to get on stage.

They immediately started with ‘Grafskrift’ and I knew it was going to be a good night – they sounded amazing. 🙂 Ragnar greeted us in German and people even answered when he asked “Wie geht’s?”. That was a great beginning. When he announced ‘Ljóð í sand’ people were like “oooh” and he loved the reaction. It is a great song, no doubt and they played it perfectly. I got really lost in the music.

I breathed deeply, as ‘Nú gleymist ég’ carried me away to different worlds. <3 Before ‘Hvenær kemur sól’ Ragnar told us, how obsessed Icelanders are with the weather and how we’d be able to hear weather metaphors in many of their songs. Yes, if we all spoke Icelandic we might. 😉 It sounds beautiful no matter what they sing about. ‘Allt er hjlótt’ was awesome and the audience was great, being super quiet during the songs and clapping loudly in-between.

Ragnar talked about Icelandic traditions and how almost every Icelander sings, then introduced the new album. It was time for more a cappella songs and for the first time they sang ‘Hjá Lygnri Móðu’. What a nice surprise. 🙂 Gunnar told us how they got their arrangement for ‘Ljósfaðir’ – it sounded as beautiful as ever.

‘Heiðin’ the song about hope, felt especially powerful that night. I really loved it.  When I wasn’t completely lost n the music, I looked at the people behind the stage, enjoyed their reactions. Usually I do not see what the rest of the audience does so this was a nice new experience. ‘Lifsins Pendúll’ followed immediately and was perfect. It always is. With ‘Meanderings’ they sent us off t the break. 🙂

The break went by quickly. There were so many interesting people to talk to. Jean-Samuel and Guillaume played us a great version of ‘Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable‘ while people were literally looking over their shoulders. I appreciate the song more every night. <3 Soon, the band was complete again and they gave us a wonderful performance of ‘Ró’. All the instruments were singing to me, I really felt it that night.

Without a pause, they went into ‘Lost in you’ and I recalled how I had first fallen in love with that song 12 years ago. The small venue was really giving me early days vibes and a feeling of nostalgia. I fully embraced it. Gunnar spoke about dramatic Icelandic nature being te inspiration for songs and that’s what happened to Daníel when he traveled in the Westfjords. ‘Þar Sem Enginn Fer’ really hit the spot. I loved the drama!’

Now it was time for music theory and learning about parallel fifth with O min flaska friðda’ and ‘Hátið fer að höndum ein’. I quite like the “Icelandic sound” and especially ‘Hátið fer að höndum ein’ is really lovely. Gunnar joked that we might not have expected this when we heard it was a drinking song. Maybe not, but it’s still great. We learned about Contrapunkt and modern music theory, then had some fun with ‘Krummi Svaf í Klettagjá’. After the show I asked all of them if they had heard Svavars version of the song, but they did not know it. Gunnar said that if anyone could pull it off to turn this into a sweet song, it would be Svavar.

They taught us some Icelandic, then ‘Nóttin var sú ágæt ein’ brought some regular Christmas feel back. I always find it very enjoyable. 🙂 ‘Endatafl’ and  ‘While this Way’ were both brilliant. When we had reached the last song, everyone said and Gunnar remarked that this had been something special, maybe because wer were all “crammed in here”. ‘Things you said’ brought the house down. It could not have been any better, I loved everything about this show! Everyone seemed to agree, because they would not stopped cheering. We then learned that they had a curfew and only time for one more song. Of course it had to be ‘Góða veislu gjöra skal’ and that was exactly the ending we needed. What a fun night!

I hugged everyone who wanted hugs, told them, how nice it had been and bought a poster to get signed. Shortly after I did that, Malko sold the last Vetrarsól CD, saying they should have brought more. Luckily there were still vinyls to buy. I gave someone advice on which album to buy and they listened. They guys were all happy with the show and I spent some time chatting with Guillaume in the end, until I realized I was the only guest left . Goodbye guys, see you tmorrow!


Ljóð í sand
Nú gleymist ég
Hvenær kemur sól
Allt er hjlótt
Hjá Lygnri Móðu
Lifsins Pendúll

Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable (Néstor Romero Clemente)

Lost in you
Þar Sem Enginn Fer
O min flaska friðda
Hátið fer að höndum ein
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein
While this Way
Things you said

Góða veislu gjöra skal

Vetrarsól tour: 8 gigs down, 3 to go. Next stop: Reutlingen