Friends, many memories and an anniversary

Árstíðir – Club Stereo, Nuremberg; December 11th

The concert in Nuremberg was my 250th Árstíðir show and it was an amazing one. It tool place at a small club with a small stage, but the sound was great and nothing else mattered. I was flooded with memories of the early days on tour with the guys and also enjoyed just being there, lost in music and close to tears more than once. Thank you!

Traveling to Nuremberg was asy. I left Aschaffenburg after 10 and got there at noon, had a good lunch, then dessert at a local cat cafe and still some time to relax at my hostel before meeting G. at the Christmas market for Glühwein. With that and some food in our stomachs we went to the venue, where we soon met up with C. It got quite cold, before they let us in, but once inside I warmed up.

The club was about the same size as the one in Brno. C. and I chose to stood in front of the stage, while G. sat down on the side. The guys had changed the stage set up with Ragnar being on the left this time. I guess it was the best way to fit all the instruments on stage. Soon, C. joined us there – it was a happy reunion.

They started with the wonderful ‘Grafskrift’ and I was immediately caught up in the music. That doesn’t always happen so effortlessly, but this night everything was right. 🙂 As usual, Ragnar said hello and introduced the show, telling us all about the Icelandic winter sun. During ‘Ljóð í sand’ I was singing  along as best as I could and Ragnar looked at me, smiling. I felt every song so much and also felt myself drifting off into memories from long ago, remembering a concert at Schlachthof in Wiesbaden, where the room had been as small as this one and we had sat on the floor in front of the stage and many other shows.

I could not recall when Gunnar had started singing ‘Nú gleymist ég’ like he does it now, but I do remember loving it the very first time I heard it and telling him as much. It was brilliant! Ragnar told us how they had written their first album without having a band name and noticing the common denominator of the songs was expressing complicated emotions while borrowing metaphors from the nature and especially the changing seasons. With the seasons, the light changes and therefore, the lovely ‘Hvenær kemur sól’ followed.

The first Christmas song was announced and Ragnar joked that they thought Mariah Carey or Wham hit the spot. Of course we got ‘Allt er hjlótt’ instead and they played it beautifully. They told us how the next song had influence their career a little bit “when we found ourselves kinda tipsy at a train station in  Wuppertal. you’ve probably seen the video.” I have, and I’m in it too. 😉 ‘Heyr himna smiður’ really works for me on this tour. It was beautiful!

With ‘Ljósfaðir’ we got the story of the one song where they could not work with the mixed choir arrangement and Daníel calling the composer and thus getting an all male choir arrangement. It is definitely one of my favorite songs in the set. 🙂 Rganr spoke about Iceland being so small that everyone is within reach – “yes, we know Björk”. Then Gunnar added that she lives in the same area and he often sees her when he goes for walks and always tries to look elsewhere, because Icelanders like to pretend they don’t care about famous people.

‘Heiðin’ followed by ‘Lifsins Pendúll’ is just the perfect combination. From the old dramatic one o the new dramatic one. Daníel told us that the title means “pendulum of lfe” and that it’s thought about what happens in the afterlife. I did not know that and it makes the song even better. Such a great version too. Unexpectedly, the first set was already coming to a close with ‘Meanderings’ – how does it always go by so quickly? I loved it and I had the feeling they guys were having a good time as well. When the walked off stage, Ragnar gave C. a fist bump and me a quick friendly touch on the arm. He was all smiles.

The break went by as we chatted and Guillaume and Jean-Samuel played the wonderful ‘Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable‘ for us. I can absolutely get lost in that piece of music. <3 After the rest of the band joined them again, they got another chance to shine during ‘Ró’. It has really grown on me this tour. ‘Lost in you’ and ‘Þar Sem Enginn Fer’ were both brilliant. It still amazed me, how they always make their music sound good, no matter what venue they are at. This show was making me so happy, I was smiling the entires time.

Ragnar gave us a “short history of the music of Iceland” and what folk music in Iceland is like. I rather like the combo of ‘O min flaska friðda’ and ‘Hátið fer að höndum ein’. They may sound “viking-y”, but especially the second one is really beautiful. “Did it sound weird”? Ragnar asked, “do you feel like drinking?” 😀 Of course they gave us a sample of ‘Krummi Svaf í Klettagjá’ as well. Gunnar set the stage “It’s late at night, it’s snowing outside. You’re two years old and you’ve just been put to bed” Apparently it takes years of practice to fall asleep to it “when you finally get used to it you’re too old for lullabies”. Ragnar talked some more and meanwhile Guillaume and Daníel both were playing a little bit, like “come one, get on with it”. With ‘Nóttin var sú ágæt ein’ the traditional song part ended.

‘Endatafl’ was wonderful and o course I was singing along to the “oooh” and “aaaah” part in the end. I can’t help it. There is nothing I have not said about While this Way’ yet – it still fully captures me every night. <3 The last song came around and Gunnar said it warmed his heart when we expressed how sad we were about it. If all things must end, they should always end with a song as good as ‘Things you said’. *happy sigh*

We cheered loudly and they didn’t even bother leaving the stage, before they asked us if we wanted one more. One? Give me three! 😉 “Since it’s Wednesday, we’ll do two for you,” Daníel said. They had kept  the beautiful ‘And so it goes’ on the setlist and did it perfectly, then ended with the fun ‘Góða veislu gjöra skal’. What a great show. I was super happy with it.

I had talked to Ragnar briefly before the show and told him I wanted to take a picture after, because it was my 250th concert. Now, I said the same to Gunnar and he already know. First there was some chatting with everyone and a round of hugs. Finally we all gathered for a picture and I even had a sign prepared saying “This is my 250th concert”. Since he guys all stood together now, several other took the chance to get a picture too.

I talked with Ragnar a bit more, who was about to pull an all-nighter to work on the TV soundtrack is is doing right now. He told me how he had recorded Guillaume for it and that it sounded great at this club.

Finally, they were packing and I announced to Gunnar that I would steal the setlist. He joked that he would allow it. Jean-Samuel noted that it should say the title and not just “string piece”. “You have to tell me the title the,” Gunnar said and G. supplied ‘Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable‘. Gunnar was like “Jean Sam miserable?” and we got a good laugh out of it. Then it was time to say goodbye. Thank you, it was wonderful.


Ljóð í sand
Nú gleymist ég
Hvenær kemur sól
Allt er hjlótt
Heyr himna smiður
Lifsins Pendúll

Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable (Néstor Romero Clemente)

Lost in you
Þar Sem Enginn Fer
O min flaska friðda
Hátið fer að höndum ein
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein
While this Way
Things you said

And so it goes
Góða veislu gjöra skal

Vetrarsól tour: 6 gigs down, 5 to go. Next stop: Cologne

Rock sound, sparkles and underwear

Árstíðir – Colos-Saal, Aschaffenburg; December 10th, 2024

The concert at Colos-Saal in Aschaffenburg was one Árstíðir show I really looked forward to. Every concert I have seen there has been great. As always, it was a pretty full house, the crew was nice and the lights were great. The band and the audience delivered – the energy in the room was amazing. An enjoyable evening overall.

It was a long trip to Aschaffenburg. While the band got on their bus directly after packing up in Krakow, I spent a few hours at my hotel and left at 4 in the morning. Did my best to sleep some more on the train, but wasn’t very successful. Made it too Berlin in time, got delayed a bit there, but still managed to catch my (also delayed) connection in Frankfurt. Got to Aschaffenburg at 17:15 with just enough time to ea, shower and change before going to the venue and still being the first person there at 18:00. Good hing my hotel was so conveniently located.

Met Guillaume, who was just coming back from the city and hugged him. Malko went out and said hello too. Soon after, G. joined me and then a few others got in line. Gunnar and Jean-Samuel were returning from the Christmas market and  when they rang the doorbell to get in, saying they were of the band, we joked about doing the same. Waiting time was over so quickly. I didn’t check my watch, but I think they let us in early. We scored the center table, but the distance to the stage was quite far, so I feared people would get the idea of standing in front of us. For now we were seated and soon the space filled up.

Right on time, the guys walked on stage and were greeted with huge cheers. ‘Grafskrift’ sounded fantastic. Ragnar greeted us in German, then continued in English. He introduced “Europe’s finest string duo” and told us about the concert we were about to hear. “To warm up properly” we got ‘Ljóð í sand’ and I was once again very happy with the sound, even though it was a bit loud. I even considered getting out my earplugs. Either way, I was enjoying it very much.

‘Nú gleymist ég’ was perfect and just before the part, where he goes super quiet and then loud again, Gunnar and I made eye contact and I smiled at him. It always works so well. <3 I thought the band might be tired after the long trip, but they were full of energy and that energy was reflected back from the audience, who was listening quietly during the songs and then got really loud in-between. Gunnar even mentioned it that we were completely silent at the right moment. Yet the cheering was the loudest I had heard on this tour so far.

“Now we will ell you about something Icelanders really crave, the sun,” Daníel introduced ‘Hvenær kemur sól’. It was so good. I had a great view of Jean-Samuel, so I got to watch him closely as he plucked the violin instead of playing it. Daníel did a fantastic job on the vocals. Afterwards Ragnar explained a little about how the sun only peaks above the horizon in Iceland in winter and told us how Árstíðir means “Jahreszeiten” and how their music is influenced by the weather in Iceland. It was time for ‘Allt er hjlótt’ which translates to something like “Stille Nacht”. It is always wonderful and created some lovely images on my mind.

Ragnar spoke about the a capella songs they play and how their favorite of those was the one they sang in Wuppertal at the train station. They stepped to the center to gather around the double mic and sang it beautifully. Right after, someone threw underpants on stage. They had something written on them, but I could not read it. Ragnar took it and put it in his back pocket and Gunnar commented “nothing to see here”. I wondered i it had something to do with The Bookstore Band. Gunnar explained about ‘Ljósfaðir’ and how they had gotten the arrangement. It was an amazing version of the song. <3 When it was over, Daníel told us how he had just looked up the composer in the phone book and Gunnar added that he had seen and interview with him and how it had been suggested that they sang his song.

During ‘Heiðin’, I really loved the lights. They are always great at this venue. Of course I loved the song too. ‘Lifsins Pendúll’ was amazing. I really fell into the song and forgot all about my camera for a moment. Had to swallow hard when it was over – so many emotions. ‘Meanderings’ was really great too. It was one of my favorites that night and for the first time it did not feel like the odd one out in the first set.

Just as the second part started some dude walked up and decided to stand right  in front of me, close o the stage, so that I and several other people could not see any more. Really? ‘Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable‘ was still wonderful, even with a blocked view and I stood up for a bit, to take a few pictures. Afterwards I told him he was in the way and he first moved a bit, then eventually decided to sit on the floor. That was better.

The rest of the band walked back out and the string players got all the attention. Ragnar always mentions their other projects too and makes sure people know there are albums for sale. ‘Ró’ had such great lights too and sounded lovely. I have so many good memories of this venues that they mixed with this show in my head. 🙂 There was someone in the  audience who apparently recognized ‘Lost in you’ a few lines into the song and choose a quiet moment to cheer. It made me smile. After all, it is a great song.

Gunnar told us they were a band since 2008, then introduced ‘Þar Sem Enginn Fer’, by talking about long drives in the Westfjords, where you have time to contemplate, enjoy nature and get inspired to write songs. It was a great version, but here I really felt the noise level should have been turned down a bit. It was more “Rockband” than “delicate songs”.

We learned that Vetrarsól is the 9th album, but the only one without instruments and got the speech about the development of Icelandic music without instruments to play or music theory. ‘O min flaska friðda’ and ‘Hátið fer að höndum ein’ were both beautiful and not too loud. 😉 “Icelandic folk music is a sonic imprint of the reality we inhabit, meaning that the music sounds a bit like our nature looks. Very harsh, dramatic and cold, but also beautiful in a dramatic way,” Ragnar explained and they gave us a sample of ‘Krummi Svaf í Klettagjá’. It is always funny and this time they joked about being shocked to sleep by a song like that.

After that ‘Nóttin var sú ágæt ein’ always sounds extra christmassy. 🙂 ‘Endatafl’ was great and dramatic, which I love. <3 This night, though, ‘While this Way’ was my favorite of the last three songs. I always love it, but sometimes other songs stick out more. This time it really spoke to me, even though I had the feeling they had turned the loudness up a bit during the second half. Gunnar told us it had been fun to be back and that he was not surprised that Colos-Saal had been voted the best venue in Germany. Everything is great here and “the best is the audience”. Daníel gave a shoutout to Malko for driving all night from Krakow and he got his rightful applause. They ended with ‘Things you said’ and the more I hear it, the more I understand why they love doing it.

We cheered and clapped until they came back out. Once again they decided to play a song they had just “revised yesterday”. It was the gorgeous ‘And so it goes’ of course. My heart melted. <3 So many memories, so much melancholia and so much happiness are connected to that song. :’) The finale, as always, was ‘Góða veislu gjöra skal’. They explained that even in the party songs there is a touch of melancholia, because in the lyrics it says something about “who knows where we will be next year”. They also told us it was one of the youngest songs on the new album at “only 400 years old”. 😉 It could not have ended any better.

There was a long line after the show, but we got to say hello to everyone. I told Guillaume I loved his outfit, hugged everyone, who wanted a hug and chatted with Ragnar about the underwear. He had asked the woman, who did it and it was her idea – nothing to do with the bookstore band. G. and I told everyone that it was a little bit too loud and she explained beautifully that their delicate music deserves a delicate treatment. I finally wanted to ask Daníel, what sort of lullabies he sings for his daughter, but G. had the same idea and was faster. We learned that they have a whole books full of beautiful lullabies and that she is almost walking already. Wow, such exciting times. 🙂 Eventually, we had to say goodbye and wished everyone a good night. They deserved it. See you tomorrow.


Ljóð í sand
Nú gleymist ég
Hvenær kemur sól
Allt er hjlótt
Heyr himna smiður
Lifsins Pendúll

Chante, Ô Peuple Misérable (Néstor Romero Clemente)

Lost in you
Þar Sem Enginn Fer
O min flaska friðda
Hátið fer að höndum ein
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein
While this Way
Things you said

And so it goes
Góða veislu gjöra skal

Vetrarsól tour: 5 gigs down, 6 to go. Next stop: Nuremberg