This world’s a fixer upper

Grace Petrie – Trinity Centre, Bristol; March 23rd, 2024

Bristol was the last show of the tour not only of my personal one, but of the whole UK run, and it could not have been any better. It blew me completely off of my feet and I still don’t have the words to describe it. “I thought Manchester was great, but this was bloody fucking amazing!” I said to Grace after the show and she agreed they had felt the same way. Nothing to add here.

My day started with breakfast in Exeter, a lovely chat with the other guest and finding out they ha been to the previous night’s show as well. 🙂 One of them even sold me Gabi Garbutt’s CD, because there had been none left when I got to the merch. Goodbye’s, a bus ride to Bristol, food and a short rest at my hostel, before I went to the venue.

Grabbed some food on the way and when I got there around 17:30 there were two people already in line, N. and P., who had both dressed like Grace has on the ‘build something better’ cover, tool-belt included. I applauded them for their outfits, took a pic with their phone and we chatted. Next to arrive where my acquaintances from the previous night, both with fresh Grace tattoos and we all kept each other company. It was very lovely.

When the doors opened, the line stretched around the corner already and we were all happy to get out of the cold. Got the perfect front row spot and was already excited. I felt it in my bones that this was going to be a good one. Chatted with the people by my side and was having a great time already. Everyone was really lovely.

Before we knew it, Grace was on stage to introduce us to Gabi Garbutt and remind everyone that only “Tory scum” talk during support acts. She mentioned hearing Gaby on the radio and inviting her on the tour afterwards.

I fully understand. The second time around, Gabi’s songs spoke to me even more than the previous night and the fact that N. and P. were singing along to all the songs made it even better. I really liked ‘Notes from the Undergrowth’ and ‘Panic’, but all the other songs were lovely as well. She introduced all the songs with a bit of background info and also spoke about how much she loved being on tour with Grace and how great all the new songs are. She seemed to genuinely enjoy herself and left the stage to great cheers.


Lady Matador
Bad Boy Bird
Notes from the Undergrowth
Genet’s Journey
Your Blues
New Kind of Weather
This Higher Place

After a short break, Grace was back and told us how she had met Molly Naylor at an event for the Labour party, fell in love with her poetry and then with her. <3

Molly’s poems were fantastic, including some audience participation too. At first, she invited all of us to the arts, then spoke about Grace’s dog, her relationship with alcohol and her love for pylons. Before the pylons poem she asked if anyone was in love and P. and N. answered “yes”, so she wanted to know if it was real love and admitted not knowing what that was in her 20ies. 🙂 Now she knows it is an action and a choice. The introduction to the dog poem was asking who loved dogs or cats “or both, rejecting the binary.” My highlight was ‘You’re alright’ an ode to not always having to be glamorous and perfect.

In the end she spoke about being happy to go out and read to people again while during the pandemic there was a time when we thought it might not happen again. She also told us about her poetry book she had for sale and the comic about space lesbians. “There are only three left, but I’ve had a look around and there are no queer people here” 😀 I loved her poems just as much as the way she presented them and thoroughly enjoyed each one.


If You Didn’t Get The Invite, This Is The Invite
My Girlfriend’s Dog
Dry January
You’re Alright
Whatever You’ve Got

When it was time for Grace and the band, Molly stepped back on stage and fired up the audience to cheer for her, first like a murmur and then growing louder. It worked perfectly and we greeted her and the band the way they deserved it. Grace asked us if we’d been feeling patriotic and everyone shut up “yeah, me neither” she quipped and played us ‘The best country in the world’. Like the previous day, everyone around me sang along to every word and I did my best to keep up. Fail again, fail better. 😉 We had a nice clap along, going too and I was already fully lost in the music.

I was moved and shed a few tears, feeling extremely happy at the same time. Much, much later I realized that Grace makes me feel similar to how Springsteen does. I can’t put my finger on the way, but I hink it’s something about the energy and passion she brings to the stage and I guess it’s about the stories too.

She introduced the band and we cheered for each one of them. Of course we had all heard the album and joked how she became annoying in her attempt to get it into the top 40. It worked, with being number 28 in the UK album chart, 6 in the sales charts and number 1 in the download charts for the entire country. Hell yes!

Next up was ‘The House always wins’ with the shout along of “roll up, roll up” or as Grace put it “don’t worry about being in tune, it is very much a howl of rage.” It worked out nicely, even when we were supposed to sing along with Ben and she did something else. Mostly anyway. 😉 The band played their hearts out and the audience was absolutely fantastic!

We learned that ‘Start again’ was written after the last election, her least favorite so far. I really love her sense of humor. With this song I realized that I remembered most of the words, because I had just covered it on the ukulele. Grace spoke about the music industry and how streaming on Spotify does not make artists any money. So she urged us to buy albums and support the artists we love, because otherwise we will create a situation where you can only get music from people who can afford not making any money on it. “You don’t have to buy my records, but please do buy somebody’s records.” ❤️ ‘We’ve got an office in Hackney’ was written after one meeting with music industry people and some of the lyrics are direct quotes. That makes the song even better. 😀

Did we fancy singing along with another one? Of course! I felt an energy running through me, like it only happens at the best of concert, when I become part of something bigger than myself and with everyone else I sang “I will love you forever and we will dance again next year.” This song still tugs at my heartstrings and I still feel it justas much as I did when I first heard it during the pandemic. At some point, Grace gave me a wink and a smile and I smiled right back. ❤️

Grace mentioned, how she talks and write a lot about politics and how she sometimes feels we are moving backwards, instead of forward. She said how heartbreaking it is that Roe v. Wade was overturned and how that is only the beginning and how the powers that be are trying to divide us. “Take it from me, there is no conflict between women’s rights and trans rights!” We all cheered loudly and it gave me hope that, maybe, one person at a time, we can convince everyone. Sadly, ‘Meanwhile in Texas’ and elsewhere “girls are gonna die.”

Before ‘Pride’, she spoke about the terrorist attack on the gay night club in Florida that was the worst hate crime in her lifetime and how she had grown up feeling that homophobia was a thing of the past. Then she talked about the current climate of fear-mongering and moral panic that makes her be afraid. So as someone with a platform she feels the need to speak up about it and how looking at her community and the fact that there are “So many more of us” gives her hope. I was crying again, as I sang along.

We learned that the song ‘King and Country’ had been inspired by listening to the radio and how even cruel news get delivered in neutral tones. She also mentioned the war in Gaza and the sentence that stuck with me is “wherever you stand, you just can’t deny that we don’t talk about the children in Gaza the same way we talk about children in Ukraine.” – true. She also mentioned that the current situation is a direct result of the actions of teh UK that they have never taken responsibility for. I love how outspoken she is and how much of a storyteller.  <3

‘King and Country’ was beautiful. This truly is not my king or country, but in many ways I feel the same about my government and lines like “some teenagers have blocked the motorway so we lock them all away” totally fits for Germany as well. It’s been a while since I have listened to someone, singing political songs the way she does and speak directly to my heart with her words.

After this, the band left the stage and Grace was alone with her guitar, telling us she’d try something she had not done in years. She thanked the people who had been to several concerts and wanted us to get our money’s worth and then she was like “all the way from fucking Germany”. <3 Awww. That was the sweetest thing, people even cheered for me and one of me newly found friends gave me a shoulder slap. 😀 Years ago she had a job she didn’t like, working with “the cool people”, who made it clear that she wasn’t one of them. 😉 The song was ‘Inspector Morse’. It’s not a song I know well, but it was a lot of fun and we got a great sing-along in the end.

Ben joined her and we got a choice between “a song about Donald Trump”, i.e. ‘You build a wall’ and “a song about the sea”, i.e. ‘Haul away’ and most people voted for the latter. So we hear about her love for the sea and going there when she feels depressed and collecting sea glass whenever she gets the chance. One such piece of sea glass became an engagement ring for Molly. A wonderful performance of ‘Haul away followed and has been in my head ever since. I have always liked the song, but had never paid enough attention to the lyrics to wonder what it was about. Then and there I finally understood and that unlocked a whole new level of beauty.

The rest of the band came back and she joked about Frank Turner turning the new album Punk. ‘English Culture’ was one of the songs that changed a lot and really clicked once she rehearsed it with the band. No wonder. It’s fantastic! After that ‘Cynicism Free’ cheered us all up. It’s such a happy love song. This time, the response to “Are there any Madonna fans in the house?” was much louder than the previous night. So loud even, that she felt the need to tell us there was a reference in the song, but she would not play a cover. 😉

Next, we learned about the house she and Molly have bought and how they get to do a lot of diy there. It lead to speaking how we all feel overwhelmed so we don’t even start anything and if maybe all of us would just start somewhere, maybe we can still fix this world. ‘Fixer Upper’ followed and we had another great sing-along. Grace Petrie fans are never afraid to sing and I love it. Also, a few fans had brought inflatable hammers that we held up during the “grab a hammer” line and then threw to the back of the crowd. Perfect!

All evening I felt great and despite the often angry songs I felt hope. There was an instant connection with everyone around me. We had more songs to sing along to with ‘The Losing Side’ and of course ‘Black Tie’ to end the set. First though, Grace thanked everyone in the crew and the band, then told us we had been fucking amazing. She introduced ‘Black Tie’ as a song she had written to tell people to not feel alone and everyone sang along at the top of their lungs. It was the song I needed when I was 16 and lonely and didn’t know when I fet in. It took my 30 years to find it, but I am glad I did. <3

They bowed and walked off. only to be cheered back to the stage for one last song. It was ‘Northbound’ of course, the last highlight before the end. I loved every second of it. IN the end, she told us it had been the best night on the best tour of her life. Hell yes. A picture with us (including one phone dying and needing another one) and a final bow with everyone, before they left for good. Grace gave the setlist to N. and I got to take a picture. t was really funny. The last line read “do it all again from the top, we will never go home” – that would have been alright with me.


The Best Country In The World
The House Always Wins
Start Again
We’ve Got an Office in Hackney
Storm to Weather
Meanwhile in Texas
King and Country
Inspector Morse
Haul away
English Culture
Cynicism Free
Fixer Upper
The Losing Side
Black Tie


Afterwards there were hugs and goodbyes and all of us heading over to the merch. I chatted with Alex (the merch queen of Grace Petrie and Amanda Palmer), told him I missed his lovely notes, because they had outsourced the sending of the new album. He asked for my name and remembered that I had ordered a few times. It was lovely to chat with him and I learned that there may be another tour in the fall, possibly in October. I promised to make there, somewhere, somehow.

Eventually, Grace came out and I got a hug from her too and we chatted briefly, both agreeing that it had been a brilliant show that “blew Manchester right out of the water”. She admired N. and P.’s tool belts and I took a picture for them. 🙂 The venue wanted to kick us out, so Grace led the rest of the queue outside and continued signing stuff and talking to people. <3 I walked home with a goofy grin on my face. What an amazing night!

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